This insightful working paper by the Institute of Development Studies delves into the conflict sensitivity of social protection in Sudan…
This insightful working paper by the Institute of Development Studies delves into the conflict sensitivity of social protection in Sudan…
This Fact Sheet provides recommendations for addressing the adverse effects of climate change on the stability of Sudan. The United…
This is one of three country case studies (the others being of Kenya and Somalia) that explore the interaction between…
The interaction between social protection and conflict is an emerging area of study with particular relevance to the Horn of…
At the time of this report, the relief effort in Darfur was already taking place in a context of greater…
Climate change is expected to continue to affect Sudan’s weather patterns significantly, with observed historical trends including increased rainfall variability,…
All organisations working in conflict-affected areas, including aid agencies, will inevitably have an impact on local peace and conflict dynamics….
This review draws on several hundred sources to synthesize the major points of consensus and divergence in the existing literature and identify relevant research gaps. This anal-ysis presents data from across Sudano-Sahelian West and Central Africa, to link comparable findings that are often presented in isolation.
This paper documents how the Aqua4Sudan IWRM approach interacts with conflicts. The Aqua4Sudan partnership in Sudan consists of International Aid Services (IAS), Islamic Relief Worldwide (IRW), Practical Action, Plan Sudan, SOS Sahel, World Relief and ZOA. This partnership implements the Rural Water for Sudan project in Red Sea, Kassala, Gedaref, North Darfur, South Darfur and West Darfur with funding from UKaid and the EU.