Published: April 13, 2022 | Tearfund

Darfur: Relief in a vulnerable environment

At the time of this report, the relief effort in Darfur was already taking place in a context of greater environmental vulnerability. After providing a comprehensive account of how the changing natural environment fed into the political an humanitarian dynamics in Darfur, the report argues that a framework of sustainable resource management (SRM) is needed to mitigate environmental degradation in the context of a relief programme. It makes recommendations and provides guidance that apply both at the programme and project level. It is needed as a counterbalance to the supply side targets, which the relief programme works to.

This report was authored by B. Brendan, A. A. Adam, A. A. Fadul, F. Chege, J. Sweet, V. Tanner and G. Wright and was originally published by Tearfund.
