The purpose of the evaluation is to examine the effects of FAO support on improving living conditions of target beneficiaries being internally displaced persons (IDPs), host communities and returnees with particular attention to women headed households. The scope of the evaluation included an assessment of all project interventions in the three States of the Darfur region (North Darfur, West Darfur and South Darfur). The evaluation conducted household level interviews, undertook focal group discussions (FGD) and conducted interviews with key stakeholders (Government Ministries of Agriculture, Animal Resources and the Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC), UNOCHA, WFP and NGOs) both at state level, and at federal level in Khartoum, to generate primary sources of data. Secondary sources of data included needs assessment reports, project documents, interim and final reports and project outputs (including agriculture and animal health data generated during the lifespan of the two projects).
The evaluation was published by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation.