Written: 2016 | Published: February 18, 2021 | et al., Helen Young, with Shadia Abdelrahim Daoud, Awadalla Mohammed Saeed

Risks and Returns: Household priorities for resilient livelihoods in Darfur [report]

This study describes and analyses how livelihoods in the Darfur Region have been affected by multiple shocks experienced over the past 15 years, the choices families have made to sustain themselves throughout, and the extent to which they have recovered. The lessons learned have been shared as part of an operational research project in support of the Sudan Humanitarian and Resilience Programme (SHARP), a six-member NGO partnership led by Catholic Relief Services (CRS). SHARP supports conflict-affected households to rebuild their livelihoods and to be prepared to deal with future shocks and stresses.

The study was originally published by the Feinstein International Center at Tufts University. 
