Written: 2022 | Published: April 13, 2022

Sudan Scenarios: Possible developments in people’s ability to live safely and meet their basic needs over the next 18 months

The four scenarios consider four different yet plausible futures for Sudan over the coming 12–18 months. These scenarios do not describe the imagined futures in detail but consider key differences in governance, economic, security environments and the extent to which, and how, people’s safety and ability to access essential goods and services might change. They are not forecasts but describe situations that could occur. They are designed to highlight the possible impacts and humanitarian consequences of each scenario.

The primary purpose of the report is to support strategic planning, create awareness, and promote discussion among humanitarian policymakers, practitioners, and donors. It aims to provide an understanding of the possible ways in which humanitarian needs may or may not end up being met – whether intentionally or unintentionally. See the Methodology section for more information on the development of these scenarios.

This report was originally published by ACAPS on ReliefWeb here.

