Written: 2023 | Published: October 31, 2023 | International Crisis Group, Alan Boswell, Maryam Elfaki

The future of Sudan’s resistance committees (podcast)

In this podcast episode, Alan Boswell is joined by Maryam Elfaki, long and active member of the resistance committee in Sudan’s northern sister city Bahri, about what is next for the revolutionary networks in the country now that they find themselves caught inside Sudan’s terrible new war. They talk about the origins, structures, and internal dynamics of the resistance committees, their efforts to forge a collective political roadmap, whether anyone in Sudan can claim political legitimacy, how they view other political actors in the country, and whether resistance committees can play a direct role in any future peace talks or political process. They also talk about how resistance committees have transformed themselves into Sudan’s humanitarian first responders and aim to provide the vanished services of Sudan’s collapsed state.


This podcast episode was originally published by the International Crisis Group (ICG).
