This PhD thesis provides a detailed account of the politics of peace negotiations in Sudan, with a focus on the second civil war that lasted from 1983 to 2005. Chapter 1 provides an overview of the conflict in Sudan and the history of the peace negotiations, while Chapter 2 examines the role of the mediators and the strategies they used to bring the parties to the negotiating table. Chapter 3 analyses the peace negotiations themselves, including the key issues that were contested and the compromises that were reached. Chapter 4 looks at the implementation of the peace agreement and the challenges that arose with particular attention to the Nuba Mountains, while Chapter 5 examines the politics of peacebuilding related to Darfur and the role of external actors in the process. Finally, Chapter 6 discusses the outbreak of violence in Darfur after the second civil war was settled and the implications of this for the peace process in Sudan as a whole.
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