About Us

CSF was established in 2021 to support the aid community in Sudan to develop and adopt more conflict-sensitive practices and policies.

International assistance has played a significant and multi-faceted role in Sudan for decades, with far reaching implications. We in the aid community are increasingly aware of the conflict sensitivity risks and opportunities associated with our work. Ongoing political developments in Sudan will not remove these challenges, but do offer new opportunities for donors and implementing agencies to develop and adopt more conflict-sensitive practices and policies.

The Conflict Sensitivity Facility (CSF) is being hosted by Saferworld. It is funded by the United Kingdom’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) for a pilot period of one year, to develop and test innovative approaches to help the aid community in Sudan maximise positive impacts whilst minimising harm.

What we do

Aid in Sudan has the potential to contribute to peace, or to unintentionally fuel conflict. The Conflict Sensitivity Facility is designed to develop and test innovative ways that donors, aid organisations and coordination mechanisms can build their understanding of the context, apply this understanding to help them avoid doing any harm, and maximise their contributions to long-term, sustainable peace.

Despite growing awareness and interest in conflict sensitivity, many donors, aid organisations and coordination mechanisms do not have adequate systems, tools and policies to enable, motivate, oversee and learn from conflict-sensitive practices. Aid workers do not have time or resources to invest in sufficient understanding of the context, nor the knowledge and resources to understand how to provide aid in a more conflict-sensitive way.

Building on lessons from our sister facility, the Conflict Sensitivity Resource Facility in South Sudan, CSF meets this challenge by supporting aid actors with relevant analysis, targeted technical support and safe spaces for discussing complex dilemmas and building conflict sensitive practice in the sector.

This approach helps us to understand the total effect of our actions in local contexts and design interventions with a keener understanding of conflict dynamics. Ultimately, our aim is to support the delivery of Better Aid in Sudan.

Analysis and Knowledge
CSF connects aid workers to the context. We share, commission and produce targeted, practically relevant, accessible, and dual-language analysis, facilitate group reflection and collective analysis, and ensure easy access to a large and growing body of resources online, including through our dual-language research library.
Targeted capacity support
CSF provides targeted capacity support to help aid actors develop their own approach to conflict sensitivity. We involve senior managers and field workers, NNGOs, INGOs and donors, in designing systems, tools, and policies for sustainable conflict sensitive practices. We also help with organisational or programmatic assessments, context and conflict sensitivity trainings, and mentoring and accompaniment.
Convening and Outreach
Conflict sensitivity support is more effective when it drives a cultural shift in how aid workers think about their work and the country where they are working. We stimulate practical and inclusive discussions on priority issues and dilemmas , open safe spaces for collective analysis sessions, and host public events that cross silos and amplify marginalised voices.
Building a community of practice
Through visible, vocal and impartial leadership online and through social media, we introduce practitioner-focused concepts, amplify voices connected to context, and share learning from CSF activities to the wider community.

Our Partners

The Conflict Sensitivity Facility is hosted by Saferworld - an independent international organisation working to prevent violent conflict and build safer lives. We work with people affected by conflict to improve their safety and sense of security, and conduct wider research and analysis. We use this evidence and learning to improve local, national and international policies and practices that can help build lasting peace. Our priority is people – we believe in a world where everyone can lead peaceful, fulfilling lives, free from fear and insecurity. We work in 10 countries across Asia, Africa and the Middle East.


The Conflict Sensitivity Facility is funded by the UK